15th IIBCC IN FUZHOU, CHINA 7th to 11th November 2016

A record number of 257 delegates preregistered for the conference and several more registered at the conference itself. Delegates were treated with up to 5 days of activities depending on their preferences.

Monday saw 90 participants choose between  basic or advanced courses in fibrecement technology.

On Tuesday delegates were able to listen to 24 presentations from suppliers to the industry. They were
also able to visit 23 booths of exhibitors that remained open funtil the end of the conference.

Also on Tuesday evening delegates were welcomed to the conference by Professor Holmer
Savastano at a cocktail reception in the hotel foyer.

On Wednesday and Thursday presentations were made by authors of peer reviewed papers.Presentations started with our invited speaker Professor Caijun Shi on “Reinforcement Mechanisms of Fibers in UHPC Composites”. This was followed by around table discussion with 10 experts from the industry and 16 presentations on a variety of technical topics including new materials, auxiliary materials and production processes.